Thursday, March 31, 2011

Dear girls,

So in my recent blog surfing, following, stalking, whatever have you I have found something interesting.

That is that there are some truly inspiring girls out there. I mean, for the things I read there are girls out there who know what they want. They are longing for someone who will be there for them, to take care of them, to be a shoulder to cry on, to be their eternal best friend. This is all great but the unfortunate thing is that before they find that "true love" they will get their heart broken, at least once. 

It really puts me in awe and really makes me think about my past relationships and more importantly future relationships. I never want to brake a girls heart, ever. Not like other guys plan to break a girls heart but some just don't care and are emotionless about their relationships.

I have taken a break from the dating scene for a bit, not because I was burned or anything, but I have just wanted to sit back and learn from past mistakes and the mistakes I see other people make.
Over all it just makes me want to wait til I know that it will be for good the next time I decide to get into a relationship.

So please, girls, enlighten me on what you truly
you want and what you
will be the deal maker or breaker. 

            Thanks much,
                            Anonymous Blogger

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I don't get it.

So it's been awhile since I have posted anything and I have no good reason for that. But lately as I have been cruising other blogs I have seen a small trend of stories explaining break-ups. All of them have been from the girls perspective. Of course why would any manly man blog about a break up? I can tell you why they wouldn't. They are too tuff to let emotions out. That is the biggest thing I notice among the male population these days. Most of them are self-centers egotistical d-bags, and it has ceased to baffle me why all these break-up stories involve these types of guys.

They break up with their there girl friends because the figure if they can get someone like you, why can't they get some hotter girl. They seem to base their attraction on physical appearance and physical appearance only. Some of these blogs that I have read are made by some amazing girls. Many of whom I don't know on a personal level but I read these things and just wonder why these b-bags kick these girls to the curb.

The reality of this is that it's not always the guys. Yes, it starts with the guys but I really urge girls to look into guys with a different perspective. D-bags are cunning, like satan, and many girls are gullible and fall.  Girls also need to look beyond the fake facade of a tan muscular body. Chances are that those types of guys are going to turn out to be  d-bags and the probability of getting canned goes up exponentially. You wouldn't hear these stories if there weren't d-bags out there and you never hear stories like these involving decent guys, cause they are, well, decent and they like you for who you are.

Well that will about do it for my post today.

Girls, you are better than that, you deserve more than you are usually given credit for.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Recent thoughts

Ok so it has been a couple days since I have made a post. I have realized that I spend a lot of time sitting in bed before I fall asleep and found that it as also when my mind is filtering through a lot of thoughts and information. So I decided that this is when I will make my blog posts. 

It's funny now that I actually consciously want to think about something in depth it doesn't happen....just give me a minute, something will come.

Well, tonight I think I will go off a bit on observation and how important I think it is to pay attention to what is going on around you. Observational skills are something that I have been able to hone in on over the years, and doing so has really become a blessing, if you will, in my life. I have also been sensitive of others around me. I love listening to people and helping them with what I can. Not only will I listen but giving insightful feedback I think is one of my strong suits. You may think I am tuting my own horn here and truth is, I kind of am, but one thing to note here is that this isn't just coming from me. Over the past few weeks I have received many compliments from people who have noticed this talent or skill or whatever have you. Again not to put me above anyone I just want people to know that I am someone they can trust and confide in. I am a confidant to whomever may need one. Probably the most important thing I can say here is that I enjoy the feeling I get when I help people with their problems or concerns, whatever it may be about. I understand a lot of what people go through, chances are I have been through it or helped someone in the past get through it or observed someone go through it.

Ok well that was kind of a rant, and I made a serious blunder, talked way to much about myself, but I feel it necessary to help get the purpose of this blog across.

I really hope people will start reading this thing and I hope even more that people can learn from this and come to me with question and observations of there own. Hopefully through what I say you will be able to teach yourselves.

Just remember, You can see a lot just by observing.