Wednesday, April 6, 2011


This morning at about 11 o'clock, after an hour hike from the top of a ski lift I found myself at the top of a peak, all alone, looking out over the valley, surrounded by acres and acres of slopes covered in freshly fallen snow. I hiked to this point to ski a line, that I have been scoping out all season, for the third time. But before I skied down I took a moment to ponder upon the greater things in life and how blessed I am to have the liberties I do.
I also thought of how great God is, and how grateful for his creations I am. Particularly the mountains and the snow. I know many of you cannot wait for summer and in a few ways I can't either, but I will never take winter for granted.

Winter is my favorite season, by far, and i'll explain.


I don't need to say much more than that.
I say this because skiing is that time(that I talked about last post) I use to forget about the world.
I often have no one to go with, but I don't mind.
Skiing and the snow put my mind at ease and all I think about is the next turn I am going to make, the next cliff i'm going to hit, or the next chute i'm going to hike to.
Skiing for me is so much more than making a statement to others.

I ski for me.

When I think of heaven I think of endless powder runs and mountains covered in snow above the clouds.
Snow is majestic, the closest thing to floating that you can ever experience is skiing through freshly fallen snow. 
Nothing is more pure and nothing is more soft.
I could go on and on describing my thoughts about snow, but you would never know what it is to me,
and this is fine.

I hope we all can find something that takes our minds off of the world. 
We all need our own special time.
Skiing is mine, what's yours?

Peace & Love,
                Anonymous Blogger

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