Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Go ahead and skip til it says "priorities".
The first bit is just a bunch of thought vomit.

(ok so there was a lot of "thought vomit" in this space but i decided to do away with it cause it really wasn't making any sense and would be wasted time of anyone who read it, i'll try to organize it into later entries) 


Life is all about priorities.
I have learned that making a list of all the things you have on your mind and listing their importants helps greatly in organizing my life.
I haven't been so good at setting priorities and even if I have them set it is hard to follow.
But I know that by putting the effort in and showing ourselves we have even the slightest bit of commitment, we gain confidence in ourselves.
To do lists are a big way to stay organized. I can get super side-tracked, I am huge day dreamer, I think about all sorts of things, but when I actually buckle down and stay focused it really does feel good. I get a sense of accomplishment. Today for instance, at work I read 30 pages for one of my classes. Granted work was slow and I could afford the time, it was much better than sitting, staring out my little teller window like I usually do. Plus, time flew by and I was outta there in no time.

So for me, until school is done, school is my first priority. I really need to step it up these last few weeks and any time spent studying will be better spent than if I were to day dream about something that will probably never happen.

This post isn't exciting at all is it? Didn't think so. I guess my brain is still off in la-la-land, where ever that is, if it even exists, if it doesn't, then I have no idea where my brain is.

Tomorrow will be more exciting, I promise.

Until then, Peace & Love,
             Anonymous Blogger

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